Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mind, Body, Spirit

I had a spiritual experience just tonight. There is soul, body, breath. I felt my soul, the wonderfunk about my body, go into this glowing space opened. But the dot of my consciousness in my body remained here with me. It was a tiny darkish dot in an otherwise *unilluminated* body frame/bag. This was absurdly uncommon, because I am constantly aglow with this wonderfunk, and it was gone, into the glowing place. Now just beforehand I had come to several spiritual conclusions that I will divulge below. But I prayed to Jesus and wondered slightly what was happening to this spirit, if or when it would return to me, whether I should grab for it. I gave it to Jesus, did not grab for it, and Jesus put it on me like a glove or a fine suit and it was back on me completely, like a white robe.

I suppose this is a certain kind of special information that is not suitable for everyone to know immediately. I will leave this here in a special place for God to refer people to it when they need it. Let whoever should find this be blessed by God.

I am to do whatever is excellent to me. To eat of any fruit in the garden, except for what God tells me not to, or to. This is fine and it is good to serve God.

We call for miracles to prove God, but miracles merely defeat the static and stuck view of MUNDANITY that we live with. Some want miracles to prove that mundanity is not the way. I have used them in this way on people who believe in the mundane and disbelieve in God. They are like sledgehammerblows to a tub of falsehood.

Miracles are not to be used in this way, though. People are not to rely on irregularity to disprove their common belief. They are to believe in God, move close to him, and around God miracles always happen, because life is of God. Life comes from God. All good things come from God. Miracles among them.

It is not through the world that we reach God. God is the origin. We must come to him in our spirit and God will be with us then. Since we are in the world, where God has placed us, and since we are close to him, He will be close to us, and life will abound from us through the world. Life is in him. If we are in him, life, true life of the spirit and soul, will be in us.


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