Friday, July 21, 2006

Better Godliness Through Myspace

creation happened a long time ago, too, but we're still here. miracles happen every day. the miracles at Lourdes defy science, but they are on the record. a vision of Mother Mary appeared over Paris, France before millions of witnesses as flowers rained from heaven. Amazing things often happen. Science is 'conventional' and woefully incomplete regarding these irregular events, and the authority of God.

Yes, I believe many religions come close to God and are guided by God. I believe that many people of the same religion are different levels of closeness to God, based on God's relationship with those people. I believe these things happen by and because of faith and love. I believe in Jesus Christ in particular being holy and the son of God, and serving as atonement for what people do that is wrong, and helping people become closer to God.

I don't believe 95% of muslims like Osama. I believe 95% of news reports in America say they like Osama. I do not much care what Osama thinks.

Politicians and world-owners seem to want to fight one another. I don't. I sure can't stop them but God can and I can give them good advice where I am able.

I think the violence promoted in the Koran and other books is ungodly.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 21, 2006 9:15 AM

I really cant say as it's tough knowing what to believe, all thats happened in the bible took place along time ago, and much of which contradicts science so honestly alot of it is hard to believe. Talking about religions not easy as everyone claims to be the right one and theres no way of telling who's right, though I must admit various religions have helped the world and that's why I have a problem with Protestants or Muslims saying the popes the devil on earth in disguise and such, I really dont think the devil would be capable of donating so much to charity and being responsable for feeding so much of the worlds poor. Nonetheless 95% of all Muslims in the middle east are cheering on Osama Bin Laden and hate non-muslims and Bin Laden plans a nuclear holocaust for America, and when alot of people who hate me that dont even know me die I feel no sympathy whatsoever for them, I'm just gald we have missle defense systems so the nuclear strike, if at all going to happen, would be rendered harmless. The Koran say's to kill infidels and by doing so will go to heaven, these guys need to be shown no mercy from us "devils" and "infidels". Just thought I should say that.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 20, 2006 8:34 AM

he raised others from the dead in God's name, and scriptures show that he is foretold, and the voice from heaven said he was God's son, with whom God is well pleased.

what do you believe?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 20, 2006 6:46 AM

I think the resurection may have been symbolic of something to prove something regarding morality of some sort instead of a literal occurance, and about being the son of god theres truth there as everything is a creation of god so naturally he'd be his son.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 19, 2006 11:53 AM

i am glad to help teach these things! I am glad you do too. how do you feel about Jesus' resurrection and being the son of God?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 19, 2006 10:36 AM

Judging people doesnt sound very nice, however when we're judged we can look in ourselves to see what's wrong so it can be fixed. Of course judgement of an irrational and subjective nature is flat out wrong but like I've said Jesus was a great guy who has raised the morality bar and people arent as disgusting as they used to be in the pre-Jesus era.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 18, 2006 10:27 AM

Jesus Christ is the son of God! he rose from the dead, and the Romans definately crucified him.

Jesus said the church would become corrupt, and I believe that explains the massive church corruption in the middle ages. It is a shame that we cannot agree not to judge one another as it says in Romans 14:13.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 18, 2006 9:00 AM

From what I've read Jesus is a great guy, though his life does seem like a compilation of avatars who came before him (IE: other avatars born to a virgin and died on a cross, perhaps put there so as to make conversion easier as the diety before was like Jesus in a certain respect, or perhaps is actuality) Though I dont like how Christianity was used by Rome for there political agenda, sure the Popes have allways been great guys and an example to look up to (even if I dont see eye to eye with them) but the church allways seperates, Jesus said it shouldnt, but the whole Protestant vs. Catholic rivalry is testamount to how they seem to have more of a political motivation then out of respect for any diety. Well take care!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 18, 2006 12:43 AM

well i'm glad you're among the progressive! it may be our job to spread this information to whomever is receptive to it. do you love Jesus Christ? that is word to spread.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 17, 2006 10:52 AM

I've noticed that also, and the webrings have came out pretty well, and the information is everywhere but its amazing how many people simply dont know it exist.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jul 17, 2006 10:46 AM

i invite you to examine this webring i have made.

Yup. And What Every American Should Know.



I believe that religions are rule sets for being god's friend and everyone's friend, along with ertain truths. Jesus Christ is the Messiah and an atonement for the wrong things mankind has done, if they accept that atonement. Every religion is a certain portion right, and every person is a certain portion right.


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