Saturday, November 10, 2007


I am tired of creationists and spiritually devoted being chided as scientifically inept. I have very adequate science regarding the origin of mankind, bioengineering, extraterrestrial anthropology, nanotechnology and subatomics, electromagnetics and geology, as well as history and other news that shows quite well the spiritual nature of life and the universe.

My results matched CERN's regarding the subatomic structure and string theory as CERN found the shape of the muon in August 2006. Later I published seminal papers on electron ringing and atomic entrainment, which helped lead to experiments in modern alchemy in spring and summer 2007 one at an established corporate lab and another by a garage inventor who became well known by the name of John Kanzius.

Other scientists recently discovered that some electromagnetic fields are alive. This has sent a flurry of research material across my desk.

Before you say that creationism has no scientific backing, read my articles at and Granted, the rank and file of creationists are probably less scientifically base their theories, but they may well be just as correct while less detailed regarding the actual events happening. Kudos to them for sticking to their guns.

The science is there.


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