Saturday, September 29, 2007

We are energy. Here's How.

I recently did an article about the spontaneous enhancing mutation of microorganisms when subjected to space, and the em radiation of the em fields in space giving the microorganisms enhancement because they are no longer in earth's composite em field, which is at a far higher level of consciousness. Humans may experience enhanced evolution and social cohesion and esp during periods of special em activity, such as the return of our solar system's unlit binary star, nibiru, allegedly scheduled for 2012, occuring every ~3600 years.

This article and video by BBC confirms my hypothesis of electromagnetic frequency related evolution and mutation and of quantum vibration and wave solidification.

It discusses quartz crystals, which are advanced steady solidifications of vibration. It also talks of the mysterious space experiment projects of dna creation from white hot beach sand. It discusses experiments of changing frog dna into salamander dna using lasers, explaining dna em vibration and particle reactions.

History and expectation fomenting us into the future may be a -8.

This is such an exciting time to be alive, and I would not miss it for pie. I have been doing a lot of good work in examining the workings of our existential vibrations and sorting them to the best of my ability.

The em function of our planet/social environment/body dictate the evolution and expression of our evolution/society/dna & health. This is also the case for quantum events and wave function solidification, which causes the reality we experience.

Affecting my reality cannot sway me from the course of righteousness that I pursue and adore. This should allow the manipulation of reality to an advanced degree in my favor and towards greater organization and godliness.


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