Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Christians and Pagans

Republicans today told me that Christians have been acting more and morel ike pagans, while trying to get pagans to act more like Christians. So have I, in some ways.

I am not going to try to get pagans to be Christians anymore.

I will provide tools to those whom I believe can best use them to do what is Godly and good. Some people do not know love.

Judas tried to get Jesus to be the leader of an anti-Roman movement. He said he doesn't care about Rome. He cares about sin. The state is not the hope of the church nor of God. It is a tool of society. The state is beneath the church, the church is of God and man. For these reasons, I am withdrawing substantially from being affected by state operations and I will begin to shift other views I have regarding panhuman activity, reflecting Christianity. I will withdraw from the pagans.


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