Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Christians and Pagans

Republicans today told me that Christians have been acting more and morel ike pagans, while trying to get pagans to act more like Christians. So have I, in some ways.

I am not going to try to get pagans to be Christians anymore.

I will provide tools to those whom I believe can best use them to do what is Godly and good. Some people do not know love.

Judas tried to get Jesus to be the leader of an anti-Roman movement. He said he doesn't care about Rome. He cares about sin. The state is not the hope of the church nor of God. It is a tool of society. The state is beneath the church, the church is of God and man. For these reasons, I am withdrawing substantially from being affected by state operations and I will begin to shift other views I have regarding panhuman activity, reflecting Christianity. I will withdraw from the pagans.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Satan and Love

According to Number Theory, Satan is a creature of 11, equality and law. The angels of God are creatures of 12, order and love and progression. 11 serves 12. Law cannot replace the thing it serves.

Satan may have been trying to 'love' us through law, as Satan only knows law and not love, when he picked on the laws provided to us by God in the Garden. Not knowing love, knowing only law, Satan tricked us into displeasing God, likely in a dispute over the statements of law regarding the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Jesus Christ shows us and God shows us by loving us, that law is not the answer. LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Love cannot be placed into stick-like words or confining tenets for each scenario in a world of infinity. Law will always fail to enforce love. LAW ALWAYS FAILS.

Law is 11/12 of love. Love is 12/11 of the law. Love is also in of and for everything. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law. 11 -> 12.

What is to befall Satan? We are trapped in a world knowing good and evil, recognizing the stark difference between them, and also having love of good. What can we show for evil? It is unresolved in our hearts. The world, coming to fruition, will soon be judged according to love, and not the law. Those who love God, love the truth, and love one another will live with God forever. Those who lie and love to, and love law more than they love love, they say that 11 is greater than 12. They will never succeed at math, and repeat 4th grade forever.