Saturday, September 29, 2007


A Bermuda Triangle is a massive Castaneda of Earth's em field.

In this place, new realities, vibrations unique to themselves stemming from Earth but not vibrating in time with Earth's field, can form, and take people with them. They can have different rules of time and space and different events can happen in them. Sometimes people can return from them.

The saints who have been sleeping waking up may occur in a Bermuda/Castaneda. This kind of event happening would involve the shifting of vibration of billions of amperes of energy by many trillions of hz measures collectively.

We are energy. Here's How.

I recently did an article about the spontaneous enhancing mutation of microorganisms when subjected to space, and the em radiation of the em fields in space giving the microorganisms enhancement because they are no longer in earth's composite em field, which is at a far higher level of consciousness. Humans may experience enhanced evolution and social cohesion and esp during periods of special em activity, such as the return of our solar system's unlit binary star, nibiru, allegedly scheduled for 2012, occuring every ~3600 years.

This article and video by BBC confirms my hypothesis of electromagnetic frequency related evolution and mutation and of quantum vibration and wave solidification.

It discusses quartz crystals, which are advanced steady solidifications of vibration. It also talks of the mysterious space experiment projects of dna creation from white hot beach sand. It discusses experiments of changing frog dna into salamander dna using lasers, explaining dna em vibration and particle reactions.

History and expectation fomenting us into the future may be a -8.

This is such an exciting time to be alive, and I would not miss it for pie. I have been doing a lot of good work in examining the workings of our existential vibrations and sorting them to the best of my ability.

The em function of our planet/social environment/body dictate the evolution and expression of our evolution/society/dna & health. This is also the case for quantum events and wave function solidification, which causes the reality we experience.

Affecting my reality cannot sway me from the course of righteousness that I pursue and adore. This should allow the manipulation of reality to an advanced degree in my favor and towards greater organization and godliness.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Electromagnetics for Spirituals and Children

Scientists have found that certain electromagnetic fields and also certain dust contains all the requirements for being a 'living thing'.

"Living and Non-living Things

Living Things
We are surrounded by living and non-living things. All animals and plants are living things and biology is the study of these living things. A cat playing with a ball is obviously living. A pigeon flying from tree to tree is also a living thing.

Sometimes it is not so easy to decide. Plants are living things but they do not play with balls or fly. If something is living it will carry out all of the seven activities shown opposite.

Some non-living things show one or two of the seven characteristics of living things. Machines, such as washing machines, can move. The car needs to be fed with petrol in order to move.

Crystals, such as ice crystals forming on a window, grow bigger if the conditions are right. For something to be living it has to show all of the seven characteristics of living things.

Non-living things
Sand, wood and glass are all non-living things. None of them shows any of the characteristics listed above. Non-living things can be divided into two groups. First, come those which were never part of a living thing, such as stone and gold.

The second group are those which were once part of living things. Coal is a good example. It was formed when trees died and sank into the soft ground. This happened many millions of years ago when the Earth was covered with forests. Paper is non-living but it is also made from trees. Jam is also non-living but it was made from the fruit of a plant.

The Seven Characteristics of Living Things

All living organisms need to take substances from their environment to obtain energy, to grow and to stay healthy.


All living organisms show movement of one kind or another. All living organisms have internal movement, which means that they have the ability of moving substances from one part of their body to another. Some living organisms show external movement as well - they can move from place to place by walking, flying or swimming.

Breathing or Respiration
All living things exchange gases with their environment. Animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Excretion is the removal of waste from the body. If this waste was allowed to remain in the body it could be poisonous. Humans produce a liquid waste called urine. We also excrete waste when we breathe out. All living things need to remove waste from their bodies.


When living things feed they gain energy. Some of this energy is used in growth. Living things become larger and more complicated as they grow.

Living things react to changes around them. We react to touch, light, heat, cold and sound, as do other living things.

All living things produce young. Humans make babies, cats produce kittens and pigeons lay eggs. Plants also reproduce. Many make seeds which can germinate and grow into new plants.


What we'd now call living electromagnetic fields [LEMF] form part of the Living Energy of the universe. All energy is connected. These creatures are disembodied angels and demons and other spirits. You are made of this energy, and you inhabit your body. Your brain produces brainwaves, your body contains carries and responds to em frequencies and em pulses. You can heal 50% faster in the presence of certain em fields.

You build your em health partially based on your mood. Immunology is heavily dependent on your mood. A dour person is more likely to fall ill. Fear and certain body image and body function viewpoints, as well as interactive and social viewpoints, have special electromagnetic signatures that many people cannot see. These spirits do see them, and feel them as many people can feel. They can also see and feel your mood, and every thought that you have. A thought is a circuit.

If you have an attitude about something that is unhealthy, or that you are very uncertain about, it probably makes an electromagnetic "wound". Such a wound is an unfavorable area of reactivity to your physical and electromagnetic environment. Normally, this is harmless. Angels will often try to heal you of these wounds, fix them, or introduce you to situations that will strengthen your decisions about them. They work with God. But when an evil spirit becomes involved in this wound, it is called an "electromagnetic infection". They may be able to worsen it, influence you to do bad things using it, or do other bad things.

Avoiding these evil spirits is a good way to live. Associating with good spirits is another good way to live. If you recognize any of these areas of discontent or injury in your life, or recognize patterns of behavior that introduce you to them, work to stop them. Encourage and teach others about electromagnetic life, and try to become more skilled and sensitive to your feelings and the electromagnetic environment you constantly experience. Many of the Lord's miracles follow these pathways, and electromagnetic life has knowledge and ability that we do not.